Creigiau Pharmacy, Cardiff

Installed in 08/2022

“Amrik and the Avonnex team’s dedication to customer service has been exceptional. Their support throughout the implementation process and ongoing assistance have been invaluable.”

– Gareth Thomas , Owner

 “Choosing to automate our pharmacy was a pivotal decision for us, and finding the right supplier made all the difference. I had met with other suppliers of robots but when I met Amrik from Avonnex, I instantly felt reassured by the solution he proposed. Despite not physically seeing the Euclid 3D gripper and Pharmaload automatic loader, their advantages were crystal clear. 

The seamless functionality of the Euclid 3D gripper and the efficiency of the Pharmaload automatic loader were game-changers for our pharmacy. The reduced need for manual work and less time spent on picking medicines from shelves have brought a sense of calmness to our workspace. There is so much less walking about now!!

Amrik and the Avonnex team’s dedication to customer service has been exceptional. Their support throughout the implementation process and ongoing assistance have been invaluable.

Our pharmacy now operates with greater efficiency, allowing us to dedicate more time to patient care. The decision to automate with Avonnex has truly transformed our workflow and improved the overall quality of service we provide.”


Gareth Thomas – Owner

By leveraging these automation solutions, pharmacies can streamline their operations, improve patient care, and stay competitive in the evolving healthcare landscape.